Student escorts need to be supported. This article is about a student escort who worked as a full-service escort during her undergraduate degree and then continued after her degree. She enjoyed the job. After she wanted to leave she had no choice but to continue because of poverty and then started to feel trapped by the job.

It is important in this job to plan your exit strategy, save your money and invest it to secure a way out in the future. (editor)

She then approached counselling and found no help. She was even discharged from a rape recovery centre because she was deemed as putting herself in debt. 

After many years she finally met a Community Psychiatric Nurse who believed her and told her there was no shame in being an escort.

From her experience, she has set up a group called Support for Student Sex Workers, a sex worker-led organisation. It is the only one in the country.  Her group has trained universities throughout the UK.

It hurts her that people have said we are ‘pimping out’ our students because it simply isn’t true.

If you are a student and want their help, the contact

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