Residents have complaied about sex being sold in the grounds of the church, Liverpool All Saints.  The gate to the grounds are not locked at night, so sex workers are able to use the grounds.

A spokesperson for All Saints Church in Kensington said this is a decision it has taken based on its beliefs and values and mission to help people.

In a statement, the church said: "All Saints Church Kensington believes all people are equal before God and wish to be a place of sanctuary for those in need. For many years the church community has engaged with sex workers in the community to offer support, God’s love and to try and offer an alternative path in life.

"That’s why, alongside offering food and emotional support, we work with agencies like Armistead and Addaction to provide professional support to this vulnerable community. This works. We have seen many women move from sex work to rehabilitation in recent years."

The church added: "We always remember the women involved are human beings and recognise they are often so much more than sex workers but mothers and sisters and friends wrestling with a particular part of their lives but not to be judged by that activity."

What a great church, and I hope they go on helping these sex workers in a non judgmental way.

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