Looks like more and more states across Australia are decriminalizing prostitution. This happened in New Zealand, and street sex work became legal, as did brothels. Small brothels in New Zealand can be set up pretty much anywhere with no planning. The large establishments have to have planning permission. These laws make it safer for the sex workers.

The state of Victoria, Australia now allows street sex work with a very limited set of restrictions. Selling sex cannot happen near to schools, care services and places of worship, between 6am and 7pm and on holy days.

Victoria prostitutes can now feel safe to report crime and to access support. Everyone deserves to feel safe at work, and this milestone legislation is a step in the correct direction.

Victoria is the third jurisdiction to decriminalise sex work after New South Wales in 1995 and the Northern Territory in 2019.

There is to be a second round of Victoria's prostitution laws, and that is the scrapping of the sex worker licensing system.

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