Many college students must bear the extra responsibility of working a part-time or full-time job along with going to school. The National Center for Education Statistics found that 74% of part-time and 40% of full-time undergraduate students work. Since the balance between college classes and a job to help pay for tuition can call for a hectic schedule, some students may instead resort to work that would be considered different or unconventional. These types of jobs allow for more self-employed routes, giving more flexible scheduling. Such jobs may range from driving for Uber to earning money through cryptocurrency and trading stocks. For lots of students in their college eras, any job seems good enough to help survive.

One unconventional job that many find interesting and somewhat taboo is sex work. This work consists of performing sexual favors, acts or services in exchange for compensation, usually in the form of money. A survey conducted by the National Union of Students on student sex workers, revealed that less than 15% of its respondents felt that their schools’ student unions did not provide enough support for their line of work. In addition, 53% of respondents wanted more information regarding sexual health matters and 51% wanted more information on financial help.

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