In the hushed and mournful tones of solemnity, we gather to remember a cherished soul from Perth's midst – a comedian and a soul who navigated life's complexities through the lens of a sex worker. With heavy hearts, we bid farewell to Bella Green, whose vibrant spirit found its rest at the age of 38.

Hailing from the Western Australian shores, Bella's journey carried her to distant eastern horizons, where the city lights of Sydney and Melbourne welcomed her into their embrace, casting shadows over the clandestine corners she came to know intimately. July 25 marked the day her earthly tale reached its final chapter.

Amidst the weight of this farewell, we reflect upon the stages where Bella cast her light most brilliantly. The comedy circuit embraced her, offering her a platform to share her truths, most notably during her poignant "Bella Green is Charging For It" tour. But beyond the laughter she ignited, she blazed a trail as a pioneer in the realm of intimacy and desire, an industry often veiled in darkness.

The year 2021 saw the pages of her memoir, "Happy Endings," unfold – a candid narrative that unveiled the intricacies of life behind veiled curtains, where desire and vulnerability intertwined. Yet, the heartrending truth that gathered us here emerged from the shadows: Bella's struggle with the relentless specter of mental anguish, as revealed by the somber words of the Daily Mail.

Fitzroy North, a place now etched with echoes of grief, hosted a gathering of those who held Bella close – friends and kin whose souls resonated with hers. Amidst whispered eulogies and tearful remembrances, her story emerged, painted in hues of struggle and strength. A "hustler" from her early days, her tenacious spirit bloomed even amidst the marbles she peddled in the schoolyard.

An inadvertent turn led her into the dimly lit world of a peep show at the age of 18, a fateful step that unknowingly set her upon a course that would define her journey. She embraced her role as "the people's hooker," a title that resonated deeply as those gathered in her honor nodded in solemn agreement. Her prowess on the comedic stage garnered accolades, a laurel she wore with humility, earning her the title of the best in comedy at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in 2020.

A voice rose from the somber congregation, a friend who shared tales of partnership in mischief, recalling Bella as a "chosen sister." The mosaic of tributes, each offered like a fragile petal, painted a portrait of a soul who touched many hearts – a tapestry woven from bonds of camaraderie, love, and belonging.

She carved her presence not only on the stage but in the intimate corners of lives, a beacon of solidarity for those whose paths intersected with her journey. As the pages of her memoir bear witness, Bella's life was etched with pain – a fractured family, a turbulent soul, and battles with despair. She knew the depths of darkness and the soaring heights of love, embracing both women and men in her embrace.

In her twilight years, West Footscray cradled her, where two feline companions, Sunshine and Dandelion, became witnesses to her solitude. Amidst the backdrop of her newfound love for hiking, she ventured into nature's embrace, seeking solace among the trees and mountains.

And so, as we stand at this juncture of sorrow, we carry with us the fragments of Bella's life – a life that radiated with laughter, courage, and the stark beauty of authenticity. In the silence that follows, we remember, we mourn, and we honor the journey of a soul who graced our lives with her indomitable spirit.

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