In a joint effort, Southend's local authorities and law enforcement agencies are collaborating to address the issue of modern-day slavery, with a particular focus on brothels and street prostitution. Under the banner of the "Southend Against Modern Slavery Partnership," the Southend Council and the police have initiated an anti-slavery day to raise awareness and equip the public with the skills to identify signs of slavery, specifically targeting the exploitation of young people and women.

The campaign includes a multifaceted approach, notably involving the crackdown on brothels and street prostitution, which is considered a critical aspect of addressing exploitation in sex work. Inspector David Gardiner, a member of the Southend community policing team, emphasized the collaborative efforts to identify and support victims of modern slavery. He noted that partnerships with immigration and adult sex work support agencies have been instrumental in addressing the issue. This has involved targeted interventions against suspected brothels and street prostitution to ensure the safeguarding of individuals vulnerable to exploitation in sex work.

Furthermore, efforts have extended to combat labor exploitation, with a particular focus on the shellfish trade. Southend Council and the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority have joined forces in this endeavor to tackle this form of modern slavery comprehensively.

The campaign marks Anti-Slavery Day, with an information stall established in the Forum to raise awareness and provide essential information to empower residents to identify the signs of modern slavery. To reach a wider audience, the council and its partners are employing social media platforms to disseminate critical messages and educational videos aimed at illuminating the often concealed indicators of exploitation, which encompass elements such as coercion, control, abuse, isolation, indebtedness, malnourishment, dehumanization, restriction, anxiety, and dependency.

James Courtenay, the councillor responsible for public protection, underscored the global scale of the modern slavery problem while emphasizing Southend's commitment to addressing it at the local level. By enhancing public awareness and understanding of modern slavery and its signs, the campaign seeks to enable individuals to take action and report concerns.

Given the vulnerable position of those ensnared in such situations, community vigilance and reporting are of paramount importance in tackling modern slavery. Any suspicions regarding potential victims of modern slavery can be reported by calling 101.

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