As some tech workers resist going back to the office, face job cuts that hurt progress in diversity and equality, and see their hopes of starting successful startups fade away, a group of tech workers is quietly leaving the industry for a different path: sex work.

These individuals, including erotic filmmakers, professional dominatrixes, and traditional escorts, share stories of feeling more empowered, satisfied, and creatively free in their new roles. They left the tech world due to sexism and discrimination, seeking more localized, creative, and empathetic work.

One former tech worker, Mistress Serafina, experienced sexism throughout her corporate career, from inappropriate propositions in interviews to being overlooked for opportunities. Now a professional dominatrix, she celebrates her temperament and personality in her work, finding appreciation and self-discovery in her new profession.

Other sex workers in the field echo similar sentiments. Mistress Fae, another former software professional turned dominatrix, emphasizes the genuine respect she receives from clients compared to her experiences in the tech industry. Many of these individuals have left tech behind, feeling frustrated and burnt out, but they believe their stories serve as a reminder to others facing discrimination and a message to tech employers missing out on talented workers.

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