In a move that's sure to turn a few heads, former Zimbabwean minister Nyasha Chikwinya has stepped up to bat for the legalization of sex work in the country. Yep, you heard that right! She's not just saying it for kicks but believes it might just be the magic pill to save marriages from hitting the rocks. Speaking at a powwow organized by the Economic Justice Women Project, Chikwinya didn't hold back, urging policymakers to take the bull by the horns and sort out the issues faced by sex workers.

With a straight face, she pointed out that these workers aren't just mere mortals but unsung heroes in the realm of matrimony. Apparently, according to Chikwinya's playbook, legalizing the oldest profession in the world might actually be the superhero cape for these workers, shielding them from the woes they currently endure.

It's like she's saying, "Hey, folks, let's not shy away from the reality here. These workers are doing a service, albeit an unconventional one. Let's give them their due credit and protection, shall we?" In essence, Chikwinya's calling for a bit of realism and practicality in handling the whole messy affair of sex work in Zimbabwe.

Who would've thought, right? A former big shot in the Zanu PF cabinet flipping the script and advocating for a more down-to-earth approach to such a thorny issue. But hey, in this topsy-turvy world, anything's possible!

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