In a groundbreaking revelation, the renowned erotic portal,, has unveiled the results of an extensive client survey titled "Why Men Pay for Sex," shedding light on the motivations and demographics of individuals seeking sexual services. The survey, featuring insights from 1,226 male participants, challenges prevailing stereotypes about men who engage in such transactions.

Contrary to common assumptions, the study exposes that every third client pays for sex at least once a month. Notably, men in committed relationships surpass their single counterparts in the frequency of seeking sexual services. A staggering 52% of attached men, particularly those aged between 36 and 45, display a higher propensity for engaging in such transactions compared to the 48% of single men. This implies that the pursuit of sexual services extends beyond immediate gratification, encompassing unmet needs within committed relationships.

The survey identifies three primary motives driving men to pay for sexual services: the immediate satisfaction of sexual needs, the exploration of erotic fantasies driven by curiosity, and a significant emphasis on emotional aspects, reflecting a desire for sensual and emotional experiences.

Interestingly, the research reveals that clients value a hygienic environment (54%) and seek encounters where sex workers enjoy the experience (48%). Surprisingly, only 25% of men expect to achieve orgasm during these sessions, challenging the prevailing notion that clients of sex workers are solely self-serving and disrespectful toward women.

Individual statements from participants in the survey further diversify the spectrum of motives, ranging from the exploration of fetishes to the pursuit of physical intimacy and the fulfillment of unmet needs within their own relationships.

Ola Miedzynska, co-founder of Erobella, underscores the significance of the study's findings: "The results challenge the often negative perception of clients as solely selfish and disrespectful individuals. Instead, they showcase a diversity of motives and needs that extend far beyond purely sexual aspects. This emphasizes that sex work serves diverse societal functions and should not be reduced to a purely transactional relationship."

About Erobella: stands as a reputable erotic portal connecting providers of sexual services, escort companions, and models with authentic customers. Beyond its role as a platform, Erobella advocates for the rights of sex workers in Germany and actively works against the stigmatization of the industry. Regularly contributing to societal awareness, the portal releases studies and surveys, offering valuable insights into the multifaceted aspects of sex work.

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