A pair of brothel raiders who threatened two sex workers with an axe before raping and robbing them have been jailed for 33 years.

Edmilson Caimanque, 23, David Fonseca, 27, together with Adilson Mendes-Namdja-Uare, 23, and an unidentified fourth man posed as customers before barging into the brothel in Hackney, north east London.

The women offered sexual services at the basement flat via Vivastreet and had only worked at the property for three days before the raid took place. Pictured: Scene after attack

During the sentencing at Wood Green Crown Court Judge Kalyani Kaul said: ‘These women were betrayed by those who knew they were vulnerable, and had only been in this country for a number of days, in the case of one victim.

‘Sex workers are as protected by the law as anyone else.

‘Nothing could justify what happened that night, nothing could justify what happened to those women.

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