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Barnet Sex Work News

Six women have been rescued from a modern slavery ring in north London after being lured to the capital by fake boyfriends.

The women, all from Romania, were targeted by human traffickers who used the so-called "loverboy" tactic to win their trust. The traffickers would pose as romantic partners, building relationships with the women before convincing them to travel to London. Once in the UK, the women were forced into prostitution.

The rescue operation was carried out by a joint team of Metropolitan Police officers and Romanian Police, supported by Eurojust and Europol. In a series of raids in the early hours of Friday morning, officers simultaneously executed 12 warrants in Iasi, Romania, and three in Colindale, north London.

As part of the raids, large quantities of cash, high-value watches and vehicles, and firearms were seized in Romania. Five people were arrested in Romania, and a 24-year-old man was arrested in London.

The women are now being supported by specialist officers and the charity Justice and Care.

This is a serious case of modern slavery, and it is important to remember that these women are victims. They were tricked and manipulated by the traffickers, and they deserve our compassion and support. We must all work together to combat modern slavery and protect vulnerable people from exploitation.

Five people have been detained in Romania and a 24-year-old man has been arrested in London on suspicion of modern slavery offences.

The arrests were made as part of a joint operation between the Metropolitan Police and Romanian Police, supported by Eurojust and Europol.

The operation targeted an organised criminal network suspected of recruiting and grooming women in Romania before trafficking them to the UK where they were forced into prostitution.

Six victims were rescued during the operation and are now being supported by specialist officers and the charity Justice and Care.

Detective Inspector Melanie Lillywhite from the Met’s Central Specialist Crime’s Modern Slavery Unit said: “This is a significant operation which has disrupted a major organised criminal network involved in modern slavery.

“The victims of this crime have been subjected to horrific abuse and exploitation, and I am pleased that they have been rescued and are now being supported.

“Modern slavery is a serious crime which is still happening in London and across the UK. The Met’s modern slavery team works around the clock to identify and protect victims, and we will continue to do everything we can to bring those responsible to justice.”

If you suspect that someone is being trafficked, please contact the police or the Modern Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700. You can also report it online at