Fareham Escorts

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Escorts in Fareham, Hampshire - Select An Escort

On Select An Escort, we list hundreds of experienced Fareham escorts of all types, sizes, ethnicities, sexualities, services and personalities. We aim to make it easy for you to select a compatible companion. Using the Advanced Search button to find Fareham escorts to suit your desires. You can select independent or agency escorts. You may want to change the search area or look for specific type of escort. Search for an escort by age, colour, height or one of many other attributes. You can search for busty escorts, or you can look for a service which might be provided.

Once you have narrowed down the search of likely Fareham escorts, you can now begin to look at their individual escort profiles. Each profile will contain the Fareham models description, rates, services and contact details. From the profiles you can swipe through your shortlist of companions looking for the one you would want to spend time and money with.

London Escort
Park Lane Escorts
Adele Smyth

Adele Smyth

Seductive, mature escort who loves nothing more than to spoil and pamper professional gents (no under 40s)

Hello and thank you for dropping by my profile. I’m Adele a lady of contradiction who not only enjoys the pleasures of sensual play but has a darker side enjoying the forbidden fruit of kink and fetish.   I would like to invite you to join me on closing the door on the world and enjoy the indulgent pleasures of each other.  As a passionate and seductive lady I simply adore to share sensual times with sophisticated, mature gentlemen who enjoy the company of an educated lady with a mind of her own.  I appreciate and greatly enjoy sensual intimacy and as a qualified massage therapist I fully understand the power of touch.  Perhaps you would like to experience a sensual yet ever so naughty tie and tease with me where I will ensure incredible sensations will sweep through your body allowing you to let go and forget the stresses of the daily grind. Some of you are shocked to learn I’m not averse to enjoying the darker side of play and leading you through the pleasures of torment in which I am proficient.  If you are brave enough you may like to experience my darker self and indulge in a mutual appreciation of kink.  Please note I am naturally dominant in play and will never take a submissive role. I do enjoy to dress for naughtiness to tempt you to want to ravish me.  If there is a look you appreciate please let me know when you book and I will do my best to accommodate your request from my vast wardrobe.  If I don’t have the attire you wish me to wear you are welcome to bring it along with you and I will happily change into if for you on your arrival.   For the stocking connoisseurs amongst you I adore fully fashioned stockings and vintage stockings (yes the real thing not some cheap imitation) and would be happy to wear these for you in bookings of an hour or over, simply let me know when you book. If you are a little nervous please don’t worry I have a natural ability to put you at ease with my relaxed and friendly ways.

Fareham Sex Work News

Renewed appeal to trace Southampton woman Joanne Sheen

MORE than six months after she disappeared, the whereabouts of Joanne Sheen remains a mystery.

Described as “approachable, full of joy and full of life” the 44-year-old was last seen returning from Fareham with a friend on December 5.