Always be aware that some brothels in this country do coerce women into sex work.

Ten female victims, aged between 18 and 37 at the time of the offending, were brought to the UK between 2010 and 2019. All the victims explained to officers how they engaged in prostitution for various reasons.

They all reported how they needed financial help and felt they had little choice. Some of the women went on to say they did not freely engage in this work and were actively forced by the couple to do so..

One woman coerced into sex work was able to leave. She was finally able to move out of the flat when one evening she met a man to whom she told her story. He helped her to return to Romania, but this was nearly four years later.

Nicusor Gheorghe, 34 and Rodica Gheorghe, 33 were convicted of a series of offences including rape and controlling prostitution for gain involving Romanian women who had been trafficked into the UK.

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