Two arrests have been effected by law enforcement personnel subsequent to the unearthing of a substantial cache of blades at a premises under suspicion of being a brothel, located within the southeastern vicinity of London.

Upon executing a search of the premises situated in Plumstead on the day of Monday, officers uncovered an extensive assemblage of knives, a multitude of cellular communication devices, as well as simulated currency.

It is affirmed by the police that the dwelling's inadequate habitation conditions, coupled with corroborative findings within the premises, unequivocally establish its employment as a brothel.

An individual of male gender has been apprehended under the charge of maintaining a brothel for the purposes of prostitution, as conveyed by the authorities. Concurrently, another male individual has been taken into custody for the offense of possessing counterfeit currency.

The female occupants present within the premises have been subjected to protective measures instituted by the law enforcement officers, in collaboration with affiliated agencies operating within the partnership framework.

In adherence to prescribed protocols, all denizens of the abode have been evacuated, and it is reported by the police that an official Closure Notice has been duly administered upon the cited address.

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