Alright, mate, check this out! There's this sheila, right, reckon she's fair dinkum furious! Found out her old man went on a ripper of a spree at this brothel, yeah? Seven hours, mate! Seven hours of fun down in Gold Coast, shelling out six grand, can ya believe it?

Bloke paid cash for the first hour with two birds, not wanting the missus to suss it. But nah, that wasn't enough, cobber! He tried a bank transfer to extend the fun, but no dice. Ended up chucking it on the credit card, he did. And it went on and on 'til the ladies said, "That's enough, mate, we're bushed!"

So, the missus goes ballistic when she finds out about this four-grand shindig. Marches the ol' fella back there, claiming he was blind drunk or on the gear and didn't remember a thing.

But guess what? The brothel’s got CCTV, shows him fair as day, haggling for a "sweet deal." They reckon he wasn't off his face 'cause he wouldn't have scored such a corker deal, yeah?

Now the missus is spitting chips, threatening to do a protest outside! The manager's like, "Sure, mate, you can protest, but keep it peaceful, or we'll have to dial the cops."

Manager's having none of it, saying they run a fair dinkum legit business, not their issue if the ol' bloke splashed the cash. She's saying, "Look, love, if you're cranky about the dosh, sort it out with your bloke, not us! It's not like blaming the casino for your hubby's gambling spree, right?"

And get this, cobber, in Queensland, where this all went down, brothels gotta have a proper license from the local government to run the show. Fair dinkum, mate!





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