olice have provided an update regarding the apprehension of two women subsequent to raids conducted at alleged brothels operating within massage parlors.

The Northern Exploitation Team of Cheshire Police executed two warrants on Monday. The first was at Genki Health Massage on Lovely Lane in Bewsey, and the second was at Aura Health Massage on Albert Road in Widnes. It is suspected that both establishments are connected, with the raids prompted by intelligence gathered from the community.

In recent weeks, numerous reports have surfaced concerning the sexual exploitation of vulnerable women at these massage parlors.

Following the warrants, a 48-year-old woman was arrested at the Warrington site on suspicion of allowing premises to be used as a brothel, breaching immigration bail, and two counts of modern-day slavery (trafficking and forced labor). Similarly, a 41-year-old woman was apprehended at the Widnes premises on suspicion of allowing premises to be used as a brothel and modern-day slavery (forced labor).

In an update today, both women were released on conditional bail until May 29th. DS Joe Davies, of the Northern Exploitation Team, expressed gratitude to the community for providing the information leading to the warrants. He emphasized the vulnerability of individuals involved in such operations, often subjected to trafficking and other forms of exploitation.

The police urged the community to continue cooperating by reporting any suspicions or information they may have. They emphasized the collaborative effort needed to safeguard the vulnerable and hold perpetrators accountable.

Concerned individuals can contact Cheshire Police at 101 or visit their website to report any suspicions. Additionally, a spokesperson for Warrington Borough Council affirmed their commitment to promoting community safety and stated that relevant intelligence is routinely shared with the police.

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