There is a confusing contradiction when it comes to the legality of sex work in the UK. While the act of prostitution itself is not illegal, a variety of activities fundamental to the industry, such as prostitutes working together or attempting to advertise themselves, are listed criminal offences. Although prostitution are often greatly removed from the real experiences of sex workers, in this panel, we aim to understand what changes and protections are needed by listening to those who know the industry best.


Miranda Kane

Writer, Performer, Comedian, Raconteuse and former sex worker

Helena Croft

Director of Streetlight UK and Former Local Parliament Politician and Parliamentary Candidate for the Conservative Party

Hayley Speed

Assistant Director of Services at akt, an LGBTQ Youth Homelessness support charity and former Head of Social Care at ‘The Men’s Room’

Bea Piper

Spokeswoman for the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP): an organisation of sex workers working on the street and in premises with a national network throughout the UK, who campaign for the decriminalisation of prostitution and for sex workers’ rights and safety

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