Agency Edinburgh Escorts

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Edinburgh Agency Escorts City Centre listed for your delight

An introduction to the nightlife of Edinburgh

Edinburgh was a client destination for saunas.  Not sure what has happened there with the police clamp down on the safe sex industry.  Driving the many escorts out of their workplaces.  The news is the sauna licences were revoked.   Most of the Saunas are still operating.  There was also a police initiative, condemned by ScotPep, which was to visit every sex worker in Scotland. The idea of a police person appearing on an Escorts doorstep and outing her to all the neighbours is not a scenario I could contemplate.

Listed on these pages are escorts who work in Edinburgh.  There are also many ladies who tour the fine city of Edinburgh, so if you are looking for touring Edinburgh women



Edinburgh Sex Work News

The recent sentencing of Xiao Min, 38, Qin Huang, 31, and Guolei Huang, 35, for their involvement in sex-for-sale flats in Glasgow and Edinburgh has reignited debate on how to address the demand for paid sex. The trio, jailed for over 20 years collectively, trafficked women from East Asia into brothels across the UK, prompting calls for stricter laws against men who seek to pay for sex.

An investigation revealed that the trafficked women, forced into prostitution, endured "degrading" conditions, a sentiment echoed by Lady Justice Poole at the High Court in Glasgow. She condemned the exploitation, stating: “Brothel keeping and trafficking women for prostitution involves the deliberate degrading of fellow human beings. Prostitution is a dehumanising experience. Women are often deprived of their autonomy and valued merely as sources of profit.”

Louise Davies MBE, director of advocacy and policy at CARE, argues for a shift in Scotland’s approach. She advocates for the introduction of "sex buyer laws" similar to those in France, Sweden, Norway, and Northern Ireland, which target the men who pay for sex. According to Davies, such laws are essential to reduce the demand fueling human trafficking and prostitution: “To disincentivize prostitution and curb sexual exploitation, the courts must punish sex buyers. Men paying for sex with vulnerable women, including trafficked individuals, face no real consequences without the threat of criminal action.”

CARE for Scotland criticizes the Scottish Government for delays in addressing this issue, despite its acknowledgment of prostitution as a form of gender-based violence. The government has recently launched a national hub aimed at supporting women affected by commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) by linking them with local services such as housing, health, and social security. However, CARE claims this is insufficient without legislation targeting sex buyers.

A Scottish Government spokesperson emphasized the government's stance: “Any form of human trafficking and exploitation is unacceptable. Perpetrators must be prosecuted. Prostitution, a form of violence against women and girls, is wholly unacceptable. Our strategy to reduce demand for prostitution includes actions to help women safely exit commercial sexual exploitation. Future legislative considerations, including criminalizing the purchase of sex, will be informed by lessons from the strategy.

Ministers are being urged to abandon their "extremist" proposals to overhaul prostitution laws after a new poll revealed that the majority of Scots oppose the SNP Government’s stance on decriminalising the selling of sex.

The Government's plan, which would criminalise the buying of sex, follows the Nordic model. This model is already implemented in countries like Sweden, Iceland, Ireland, France, and parts of the US and is being considered for Scotland. However, a YouGov poll conducted for the charity National Ugly Mugs indicates that the majority of Scots are against these proposals.

According to the poll, only 13 percent of Scots support the Nordic model, and only 32 percent believe that paying someone for sex should be illegal, compared to 47 percent who think it should be legalised. Furthermore, 62 percent oppose the Scottish Government’s declaration that “sex work always equals violence against women,” with only 13 percent supporting this notion.

Despite these findings, only 1 percent of adults think overhauling prostitution laws in Scotland should be a priority for the Scottish Government at this time.

Dr. Raven Bowen, chief executive of National Ugly Mugs, stated: “This poll shows that Scots are opposed to the SNP’s extreme plans to criminalise the purchase of sex, which international evidence shows only serves to increase violence against sex workers by eliminating their revenue streams, making them desperate and destitute.

“It is now clear that mainstream Scottish voters side with charities, researchers, and international organisations such as Amnesty International, UN AIDS, and the World Health Organization in calling for a fundamentally different approach to regulating sex work that focuses on supporting sex workers’ rights and safety, and improving their quality of life and life chances.”

The SNP's manifesto commitments include banning pimping websites, which are currently legal and unregulated in Scotland. The poll suggests that 63 percent of Scots would prefer sex workers to advertise themselves online, compared to just 2 percent who think this should be done on the street. It also found that 45 percent of Scots believe two sex workers should be allowed to work together in the same premises, despite the risk of being charged under brothel-keeping legislation.

Dr. Bowen added: “Despite being the UK’s largest sex worker safety charity, supporting more sex workers through our NUMbrella Lane Glasgow hub than any other organisation in Scotland, the SNP has barred National Ugly Mugs from sitting on any Government-backed sex work policy groups.

“We now know that the Scottish public also overwhelmingly rejects this inaccurate and oversimplified notion, which is the basis for the government’s entire sex work policy agenda.”

The Scottish Greens support full decriminalisation and have stated they would vote against any SNP proposals to adopt the Nordic model in Scotland.

Nevertheless, the SNP government remains undeterred. A Government spokesman said: “Prostitution is a form of violence against women and girls and is completely unacceptable. Our recently published strategic approach to challenge men’s demand for prostitution outlines a number of actions to support the recovery and sustainable exit of those involved in prostitution, including the creation of a pilot programme for a new national hub.

“Lessons learned from the piloting of the strategy will help inform any future legislative considerations, including whether to criminalise the purchase of sex.”

SNP MSP Ruth Maguire’s comments reveal a profound misunderstanding of the complexities of sex work. She stated: “I absolutely agree that those involved in prostitution should not be stigmatised and that the conditions driving women into forced labour and survival sex need to be addressed. Women need safe routes out of prostitution.

“However, it is undeniable that the market trading in sexual access to women and girls contributes to those conditions, and any move to further legitimise that trade would only increase the abuse and harm caused. I’m clear that when presented with the reality of the industry, which harms so many, the majority of Scots will agree that it is sex buyers, pimping websites, and traffickers who should be criminalised, not the women they exploit.”

Maguire’s stance fails to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence showing that the Nordic model exacerbates the dangers faced by sex workers. By pushing sex work further underground, the Nordic model makes sex workers more vulnerable to violence and exploitation. Rather than protecting women, this approach isolates them and strips them of their agency. The SNP must reconsider these harmful proposals and instead focus on policies that prioritize the rights, safety, and dignity of sex workers.

In the ongoing discourse surrounding sex work legislation, the Green Party stands out for its commitment to progressive policies aimed at safeguarding the rights and well-being of sex workers. Maggie Chapman, the Scottish Greens spokesperson for justice, equality, and human rights, has been a vocal advocate for this cause, shedding light on the dangers inherent in approaches like that advocated by Ash Regan.

Chapman argues that Regan's approach faces opposition from sex worker rights groups, human rights organizations, and even the World Health Organization, and for good reason. Human Rights Watch has highlighted the devastating consequences of such policies, including alarming spikes in murder rates, instances of police abuse, social service exclusion, and sexual violence against sex workers in countries where similar measures were implemented.

At the heart of the matter lies the imperative to minimize the harm, marginalization, and exploitation endured by sex workers daily. Chapman asserts that Regan's approach not only fails to achieve this objective but worsens the plight faced by sex workers.

In response, Chapman and the Green Party advocate for a paradigm shift in how society approaches sex work, emphasizing harm reduction and the protection of sex workers' rights. They propose policies designed to empower and support individuals engaged in sex work, rather than subjecting them to further risks and vulnerabilities.

For those seeking meaningful change in this area, Chapman urges support for parties like the Greens or Liberals, whose platforms align with the principles of human rights, social justice, and the protection of marginalized communities. By voting for such progressive ideologies, individuals can contribute to creating a safer and fairer environment for sex workers and society as a whole.

The Council of Europe (COE), a prominent organization dedicated to human rights, democracy, and the rule of law on the continent since its establishment in 1949, has consistently advocated for the protection of marginalized groups. Among these, sex workers often face stigma and violence, exacerbated by laws criminalizing the purchase of sex, as highlighted by COE's Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović.

In her recent commentary, Mijatović underscores how the criminalization of purchasing sex, despite the legality of selling sex in some regions like the island of Ireland, contributes to the marginalization of sex workers and heightens their vulnerability to violence. She emphasizes that such legislation effectively criminalizes the working environment of sex workers, encompassing not only clients but also third parties involved in various aspects of the industry, such as brothel-keepers and advertisers.

Contrary to arguments advocating for the criminalization of third parties to reduce demand and combat human trafficking, Mijatović points out that evidence suggests otherwise. Reports indicate that in certain states, commercial sexual services have increased following such criminalization, while anti-trafficking organizations highlight its ineffectiveness in preventing and combating human trafficking. Moreover, it may hinder the identification and protection of trafficking victims among sex workers.

Mijatović advocates for a human rights-based approach to sex work, emphasizing that consensual adult activities should not be criminalized. She asserts that criminalizing clients or third parties diminishes sex workers' access to essential services and rights, pushing them into clandestine and isolated work environments out of fear of legal repercussions. In contrast, decriminalization has shown positive impacts on sex workers' safety, access to social services, and health outcomes, as exemplified by Belgium's recent legislation.

However, Mijatović clarifies that decriminalization does not equate to condoning exploitation, human trafficking, or violence against sex workers. She stresses the necessity of maintaining and reinforcing laws addressing these issues while ensuring sex workers' protection from harm and exploitation.

Additionally, Mijatović raises concerns about the lack of meaningful consultation with sex workers in policymaking processes affecting their lives and work. She asserts that their voices and perspectives are indispensable for the development and implementation of effective and empowering human rights-based policies.

In conclusion, Mijatović calls for greater recognition of sex workers' rights and voices, advocating for policies that prioritize their safety, well-being, and agency. By adopting a human rights-based approach and involving sex workers in decision-making processes, societies can better address the challenges faced by this marginalized community while upholding fundamental principles of justice and dignity for all.

A second attempt to prohibit strip clubs in Edinburgh has been thwarted as councillors voted to allow the city's three existing venues to remain open. However it was voted down by seven votes to two. 

The Labour administration of the council proposed imposing a 'nil cap' on sexual entertainment venues, intending to force their closure due to concerns about their alleged contribution to violence against women. However, the proposal was rejected by a vote of seven to two.

This decision follows nearly two years after a previous vote by councillors to set the maximum number of venues at zero, a move that was legally contested by dancers and incurred substantial costs to taxpayers in legal fees and expenses.

A judge ruled that the council members had received unreliable legal advice regarding the consequences of imposing a nil cap, prompting a rerun of the vote at the regulatory committee meeting on February 5.

Addressing the committee, Alexis, a veteran stripper in Edinburgh representing the Sex Workers Union (SWU), urged the council to base their decision on factual evidence rather than emotional or moralistic considerations. She cautioned against restricting the number of venues to three, warning that such a limitation could create a monopoly, potentially exacerbating exploitation amidst a cost of living crisis.

Asserting the right of women to choose their profession, Alexis emphasized that blaming strippers for misogyny and violence against women is misguided, and argued that depriving them of employment is not a solution to sexism.

Following the council's decision, the SWU celebrated their victory on social media, highlighting their ongoing struggle to prevent the closure of workplaces under a nil cap policy.

The council ultimately voted to maintain the current cap of three venues, with an option for a worker-run club to open. A joint amendment tabled by Lib Dem convener Councillor Neil Ross and the Greens received support from SNP and Conservative councillors, setting the cap at three and designating the city center ward as the only suitable location for granting SEV licenses.

Councillor Ross emphasized the importance of regulating venues to protect women who choose to work in the industry, expressing concerns about the safety risks associated with driving lap dancing underground through a ban.

While some councillors, like Labour's Val Walker, argued in favor of a nil cap citing concerns about the potential for strip clubs to facilitate entry into the sex industry and contribute to violence against women and girls, others, such as SNP councillor Martha Mattos Coelho and Conservative councillor Jo Mowat, emphasized the need to regulate existing premises to ensure the safety of workers and patrons alike

Police Scotland is set to enlist the support of officers from Romania as part of an initiative aimed at aiding women who have fallen victim to sex trafficking.

The initiative has received backing from the Home Office and the Romanian Embassy in London, which will facilitate the temporary deployment of two Romanian officers for a six-month period, commencing on January 8.

This development follows a significant inquiry into the exploitation of Romanian women in the UK, revealing the operation of a profitable sex-for-hire establishment in Motherwell.

Earlier reports highlighted the incarceration of a group of Romanian individuals involved in this illicit operation, awaiting sentencing in the upcoming year.

In an update provided to the Scottish Police Authority, Police Scotland emphasized, "There is a notable issue of under-reporting regarding the trafficking and sexual exploitation of Romanian females in Scotland, resulting in numerous potentially vulnerable individuals refraining from engaging with law enforcement and other relevant authorities."

Law enforcement officers are optimistic that the temporary placement of Romanian personnel will foster an environment where Romanian nationals feel more at ease approaching authorities to report instances of trafficking.

The agreement to bring these officers to Scotland was solidified subsequent to a visit by Romanian diplomats to the Police Scotland crime campus in Lanarkshire during September.

Recruitment efforts to select the two officers for this mission are currently in progress in Romania.

A spokesperson for Police Scotland further elucidated, stating, "This initiative aims to encourage increased reporting of trafficking cases involving Romanian nationals, offering culturally sensitive information on their rights and addressing exploitation. Our goal is to support survivors in their journey toward recovery and empower them to step forward and report instances of exploitation."

Hold onto your hats, folks, because the bedroom battlefield has been riddled with danger – and it's not just due to the high stakes of pleasure-seeking endeavors. In a startling revelation, a daring doctor has sounded the alarm bells on the most treacherous sex position, backed by alarming statistics and cautionary tales that'll make you rethink your next move between the sheets.

Picture this: an innocent romp taking a catastrophic turn, leading straight to the emergency room. Dr. Raj, our fearless guide through the perilous labyrinth of lovemaking, has pinpointed a particular position as the villain behind a whopping 50% of penile fractures. Brace yourselves, thrill-seekers, for it's none other than the notorious 'Reverse Cowgirl.'

But what's the deal with this seemingly innocuous position, you ask? According to medical experts, it's a perilous dance where one wrong move could leave the male member squashed by the female pelvic bone. Yes, you read that right – a squashed sausage scenario. It turns out penises, despite their boneless nature, can indeed suffer fractures. The culprit? A tear in the tunica albuginea, the penile tissue responsible for those impressive erections.

In a twist that'll leave you both bewildered and cautious, a study from 2014 corroborates this danger, singling out 'woman on top' positions as the chief antagonist. That's right, folks, it's not just Reverse Cowgirl – the regular Cowgirl and even the infamous Doggy Style have made it to the 'danger zone.'

And if you thought recognizing a penile fracture was like solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded, think again. Symptoms include excruciating pain, alarming sounds akin to 'cracking,' swelling, and even a curious change in color – all potentially leading to a permanent reshaping or the inability to rise to the occasion in the future. Talk about a nightmare!

So, as we bid adieu to this year and embrace the new one, perhaps it's time for some safer sex resolutions. Or maybe, just maybe, taking a leaf out of Mother Nature's book and exploring 'erotic' relationships with trees might be the unexpected, but safer, way to go. Merry Christmas and a 'penis-safe' New Year, everyone!

Edinburgh's endeavors to implement a new licensing scheme for strip clubs have once again stumbled into delays, as the council disclosed the need for additional legal counsel. This admission follows their persistent pursuit to close down the city's strip clubs, despite the staggering expense incurred by taxpayers—a hefty £208,000 bill footed for the failed previous attempt.

Originally given until year-end to secure a license from the local authority, the four strip clubs in the Capital now face a deadline extension of nine months, a delay from last year's set timeline. However, a crucial vote determining the number of permitted clubs in the area has been postponed for three months due to a second public consultation. The councilors, convened on Monday, 4 December, agreed to seek further legal advice owing to the influx of consultation responses.

This latest setback emerges subsequent to a legal triumph by a coalition of lap dancers and adult entertainment establishments, overturning the council's prior attempt to close all strip clubs by capping the allowed number at zero. The Court of Session ruled in February that the 'nil cap' was unlawful, a decision reinforcing the contention presented by venues and performers, backed by sex workers.

Despite this legal repudiation, the regulatory services manager for the council highlighted that while the judge rejected the specified number, the underlying policy remained intact.

Critics, including campaigners and certain councillors, persist in their assertion that Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) perpetuate exploitation, abuse, and human trafficking, advocating for their prohibition. However, Greens councillor Susan Rae contended that the argument positing a ban as a means to curb violence against women lacks substantial statistical backing.

Performer voices echo concerns over the potential ramifications of club closures, warning of a possible shift into clandestine sex work and the financial strain jeopardizing their ability to afford childcare.

Expressing distress over the ongoing uncertainty, Saphire, a dancer at an Edinburgh strip club, conveyed frustration, stating, "Having to endure more months of ambiguity is deeply unsettling. It's unfair that a decision we've awaited for so long could be altered on such short notice."

Cllr Susan Rae raised concerns about the delay and the escalating legal fees, only to be rebuffed during the meeting. She intends to pursue this matter with the Convener, expressing dismay over what she deems an unnecessary and anxiety-inducing delay.

Audrey, a spokesperson for the United Sex Worker’s Union, expressed disappointment over the extended and arduous process, emphasizing the turmoil faced by club workers amidst economic hardships. She criticized the council's allocation of funds toward rendering over 100 individuals unemployed instead of investing in the community, particularly the women employed in these establishments.

Responding to inquiries, a council spokesperson cited the inundation of consultation responses as the reason behind seeking additional legal advice, leading to the deferment of the report's presentation to the subsequent meeting in March 2024.

Councillors voted to address the city's existing four venues last year by reducing the number of establishments to zero, but a subsequent court ruling overturned the decision, emphasizing that the Regulatory Committee members who initially made the decision had received erroneous advice.

As we look forward to December, councillors will revisit this matter, we can hope they will consider all available evidence and reach a conclusion consistent with the rights of those working in the clubs..

Some may argue that there's a place in our city for sexual entertainment venues, whether they be strip clubs, lap-dancing establishments, or by any other name. Supporters suggest that these venues offer harmless entertainment, while others claim that sex work is simply another profession. However, it's essential to take a more balanced perspective.

These venues have long been a source of livelihood for some individuals. They provide an opportunity for adults to engage in mutually consensual activities and for performers to earn a living through their artistic talents. By recognizing and regulating these establishments, we can ensure the safety and dignity of those involved.

It's worth noting that many individuals choose to work in this industry voluntarily and take pride in their work. Moreover, the customers who patronize these venues do so willingly, with no harm to anyone involved. In this light, the focus should be on ensuring workers' rights, creating safe working conditions, and implementing fair employment practices rather than stigmatizing the industry as a whole.

While it is crucial to address any potential exploitation and abuse within the industry, a complete ban is not the solution. Instead, we should work towards improving conditions, fostering education, and raising awareness. This approach can help mitigate any negative aspects of the industry while respecting the rights and choices of those involved.

It's essential to move away from the notion that these venues perpetuate violence and hatred against women. Such generalizations oversimplify a complex issue. Many individuals who choose to work in this field do so with full agency and without experiencing any form of exploitation. We should not diminish their choices or demean their work.

Ultimately, we can acknowledge that while private sex clubs may exist, banning lap dancing and other related activities will not eliminate the sex trade entirely. What we can do, however, is work towards a more inclusive and equitable approach that respects the autonomy of individuals in this industry while addressing any issues of exploitation.

Councillor Cammy Day has made a thoughtful decision, and we can hope that more councillors will join in making informed and balanced choices regarding the presence of such establishments in our city.

The ban on strip clubs in Edinburgh has raised eyebrows for its nonsensical nature, as the Labour leader of the city council throws his weight behind a second attempt to close down these establishments. What makes this move even more confounding is the staggering legal bill taxpayers were slapped with for the failed first attempt, a hefty £200,000.

Councillor Cammy Day has indicated his administration's intention to once again push for a 'nil-cap' on sexual entertainment venue (SEV) licenses, but the decision is yet to be formalized. Despite this, he is gearing up to advocate for this controversial measure.

The previous decision to impose a zero limit on adult clubs, effectively shutting down the four currently operating in the city, was deemed unlawful when performers and venues challenged it in court. Judge Lord Richardson pointed out that the Regulatory Committee had been "wrongly advised" that the nil-cap wouldn't constitute a ban on SEVs.

It's important to note that the judge's ruling didn't declare the nil-cap itself as unlawful, but rather indicated a "realistic possibility" that a different decision might have been taken had councillors been "properly advised." Shockingly, it has come to light that the cost of defending this policy exceeded £200,000, a revelation made through a freedom of information request.

This considerable sum is split between £102,633 for external legal costs and £105,725 in expenses paid to three Edinburgh strip clubs and the United Sex Workers (USW) union, who were responsible for bringing the judicial review. In response to this, Lib Dem councillor Lewis Younie lamented, "What a travesty that this is the road we traveled down. This council money could have been put to better use in delivering services for Edinburgh's residents rather than being spent in court."

Former Labour city councillor Ross Mckenzie, who defied his group's support for the ban and was subsequently suspended, lambasted the case as a "scandalous waste of public money." He pointed out that this money was used to defend a position that "does not have the majority support of the council."

Despite taxpayers having to foot the bill for this "erroneous" decision, the council leader is intent on urging his group to support a second attempt to close down SEVs in December. However, given the change in the council's political makeup, with a minority of committee members now in favor of the ban, it is unlikely to pass this time.

Councillor Day maintains that his minority administration will finalize its formal position soon. He stated, "I’m firmly of the view that a modern progressive city like Edinburgh doesn’t need these types of venues."

While some argue that the ban on SEVs is intended to protect vulnerable women, others contend that it might have unintended consequences. Some in the industry argue that shutting down these venues could drive performers to work in underground, unregulated environments that may be less safe for them.

One performer expressed concern ahead of the court hearing, stating, "I think it’s extremely important to be reminded that the nil-cap will push dozens of women into either unemployment, an unfit benefits system, or underground, unsafe forms of sex work."

Green city councillor Susan Rae also challenged the argument that an SEV ban would reduce violence against women, noting that it isn't supported by statistics. She argued that the police have shown that closing the clubs could actually increase violence and drive the industry underground.

In light of the ongoing debate and the considerable cost incurred, it's clear that the ban on strip clubs in Edinburgh is indeed a perplexing and costly endeavor that warrants reconsideration.

Former candidate for leadership within the Scottish National Party (SNP), Ash Regan, has embarked on an initiative known as the "Unbuyable" campaign, with the primary objective of establishing a legal prohibition on the transactional aspect of sexual services. Regan, a Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) and previously a minister responsible for community safety, seeks to curtail the practice of purchasing sexual services throughout Scotland.

At present, Scotland's legal framework criminalizes certain activities linked to prostitution, including "kerb crawling," public solicitation, and the operation of brothels. Nevertheless, the act of selling and buying sexual services remains permissible, including the operation of online platforms facilitating such transactions. Regan's "Unbuyable" campaign, hosted on, endeavors to instate fresh legislation that would criminalize the act of purchasing sexual services.

In her statement to The National, Regan elucidated the campaign's broader mission, characterizing it as a "clarion call" aimed at eradicating the systemic exploitation of women and girls in Scotland. The campaign seeks to foster a society where the sanctity of human dignity is inviolable and where women and girls are not subjected to commodification. Regan aspires to transform this vision into a tangible reality with the support of the public.

The Unbuyable website further underscores the campaign's purpose, emphasizing the imperative for society to confront an unsettling verity: that the purchase of sexual services is far from victimless, entailing enduring scars of exploitation. Regan's mission is unequivocal: to bring an end to this practice in Scotland, affirming that human dignity is not a tradable commodity. This mission envisions a Scotland where every individual becomes truly "Unbuyable."

While the Scottish Government's 2021-2022 Programme for Government (PfG) included a commitment to formulate an effective strategy addressing the demand for prostitution among men, this commitment appears to have been omitted from the subsequent two annual programs for 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. In 2022, Dr. Jacci Stoyle, the secretary of the Scottish Parliament's Cross-Party Group on Commercial Sexual Exploitation, pointed out that Sweden had, since 1999, enacted legislation criminalizing the purchase of sexual services. This Swedish approach, commonly referred to as the "Nordic Model," has witnessed a noteworthy shift in societal attitudes, with a mere 0.29 percent of men in Sweden reportedly engaging in the purchase of sexual services, in stark contrast to approximately 10 percent of men in the United Kingdom who admit to such behavior.

Several advocacy organizations in Scotland, including Tara (Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance), the Encompass Network, Routes Out, and Survivors of Human Trafficking, have previously advocated for the Scottish Government to follow Sweden's example. The organization Zero Tolerance, dedicated to ending male violence against women, also articulated concerns about the existing legal framework in Scotland. In a 2011 blog post written by lawyer Phillipa Greer, the organization criticized Scotland's laws as "unhelpful and contradictory," asserting that they stigmatize prostitutes by prioritizing public nuisance concerns.

Greer additionally raised the critical point that by criminalizing public acts linked to the sale of sexual services while not addressing the act of purchasing itself, Scottish law may inadvertently drive women into more perilous circumstances. She argued that the visibility of such activities in public spaces is what constitutes the offense, and these restrictions overlook the inherent harm endured by sex workers, while also increasing the risks they face. Such restrictions may prompt sex workers to hastily enter vehicles to avoid drawing attention, and they can lead to displacement, forcing individuals into more concealed and less supervised areas.

For those interested in further information about Ash Regan's "Unbuyable" campaign, additional details are available on the campaign's website.

Gina: Hey, have you heard about the new play at the Traverse Theatre? It's by Kieran Hurley, the same person who did Mouthpiece.

Sophie: Oh yeah, I remember Mouthpiece. What's this new play called?

Gina: It's called Adults. It's basically a comedy about misunderstandings and conflicts between generations, you know, millennials and boomers.

Sophie: Sounds interesting. What's the main theme of the play?

Gina: Well, it's kind of controversial. It's about sex workers, and how this generation's dreams have been shattered. But it's all mixed in with a clash between the two generations.

Sophie: Haha, that sounds like it could be funny.

Gina: Definitely! There's a lot of comedy that comes from that clash, and even some sketches with sexual humor.

Sophie: So, what's the story?

Gina: The story is about this woman named Zara who manages a brothel, and she meets one of her former teachers who becomes a client. He's trying to recapture his carefree life with the help of one of Zara's co-workers.

Sophie: Interesting characters, I suppose?

Gina: Yeah, the actors are good at delivering jokes and funny lines, but some say the characters lack depth. They're kind of stereotypical and not really explored deeply.

Sophie: Like how?

Gina: Well, the teacher is worn down by his life, and the sex workers have their struggles too, but the play doesn't really dive into their internal conflicts.

Sophie: That's a shame. It could have been more impactful.

Gina: Exactly. Instead, the play keeps the comedy going for a while and then ends with a simple and not very satisfying conclusion where they all sort of become friends.

Sophie: Ah, got it. So, it's a bit of a missed opportunity for a deeper exploration of those themes.

Gina: You nailed it. The play aims for social commentary but ends up focusing more on the humor.

Sophie: Well, still sounds like a fun time at the theater though.

Gina: Definitely, if you're up for some laughs and don't mind the shallower side of things.

Sophie: I'll keep that in mind if I decide to catch Adults at the Traverse Theatre. Thanks for the overview!

Gina: No problem, enjoy the play if you do go see it!

Who attends a midday show by a professional financial dominatrix titled "Sex Job"? Lane Kwederis, once an improv comedian now a full-time sex worker, offers insights into her unique career. Financial domination, where men enjoy having women empty their accounts, is Lane's profession. Her show, a blend of comedy and exposé, grants a peek into her world's highs and lows. The audience is diverse – students, middle-aged seekers of excitement, and mature Fringe enthusiasts.

Lane delves into her daily life, aiming to engage a varied audience of ages, genders, and nationalities. Her target demographic remains uncertain, much like her delivery. She races through stories, offering a glimpse but lacking depth. While discussing intriguing kinks, she swiftly moves on, leaving the curious crowd wanting more. Unanswered questions prevail as laughter diminishes.

Lane's adeptness at social media and tales of its challenges shine. Guiding an audience member, "Helen," in conversing with a submissive online showcases her skill. A portion of the money earned goes to charity. Yet, the narrative often skims the surface, trading substance for superficial anecdotes. Kwederis, a people-pleaser, evokes sympathy, revealing a core self in anecdotes about her ex and their toxic relationship.

"Sex Job" captivates with voice-overs, campy ads, singing, and acrobatics. However, it falls short in revealing Lane's true identity, vital for a one-hour solo performance. The legal intricacies of sex work deserve more exploration. The Edinburgh Uni room's diverse audience likely left with lingering curiosity rather than full satisfaction.

Kieran Hurley's play "Adults" brilliantly highlights an intergenerational clash, fostering empathy between boomers (1945-1964) and millennials (1981-1996) in the audience. The story kicks off amusingly as a strawberry milkshake splatters on Iain (Conleth Hill), who's early at Zara's (Dani Heron) flat. Zara, a sex worker, runs her ethical business from home.

In his 60s, Iain, married with grown daughters, is out of his element, set to meet Zara's partner, Jay (Anders Hayward), for sex. Zara recognizes Iain as her former teacher, sparking the character dynamics. Over the next 80 minutes, Zara, Iain, and Jay engage across generations, arguing, blackmailing, and eventually connecting.

The boomer-millennial conflict, fueled by differing perspectives, plays out. Disappointment and resentment arise during Zara and Iain's confrontation in her makeshift brothel. Zara, a literature graduate turned sex worker, resents Iain's generation for secure careers, while Iain envies the younger generation's freedom.

Their debate covers millennial precarity versus boomer affluence, marked by Zara's critique of Iain's nostalgia. Jay's arrival with his daughter escalates the situation. Zara's ethical stance crumbles as Jay reveals financial struggles for custody. Jay's seduction of Iain for money adds complexity.

In a plot twist worthy of its own dramatic production, I'm basically turning into a theatrical superhero this year, with an unconventional origin story involving both the stage and... let's say, "alternative income streams." Yep, I'm tapping into my inner thespian and my outer entrepreneurial spirit – and by entrepreneurial, I mean a tad risqué – to bring my show to the Edinburgh Fringe.

Who would have thought that juggling a mix of traditional funding methods and funds earned from my "other gig" would become my saving grace for this year's festival shenanigans? Honestly, it wasn't part of the grand plan, but when you're faced with the kind of price tags that make your bank account do a triple backflip, you start considering all kinds of... unconventional opportunities.

So, picture this: me, an aspiring actor, suddenly caught in the clutches of the Edinburgh Fringe – a place where the cost of putting on a show could make a dragon faint. Naturally, I had a real "is the fringe really worth it?" crisis. And that's when I decided to whip out my ultimate theatrical power move: using the cash flow from my secret side hustle. Yes, you read that right – I'm a multi-talented performer both on and off the stage.

See, my journey from Shakespearean soliloquies to, well, more intimate soliloquies began after drama school. Turns out, waiting for the spotlight to shine on me involved quite a bit of waiting tables and checking coatrooms. In a brilliant plot twist, I stumbled into a unique line of work that helped me make ends meet while keeping one foot firmly in the creative universe. Let's just say I'm a master multitasker – honing my craft, practicing, and keeping my artistic ambitions alive, all while contributing to a certain economic niche that society doesn't exactly slap a gold star on.

Now, before you start picturing glitzy neon signs and red velvet curtains in my alternate gig, let me assure you it's not all glitz and glamour. My non-traditional escapades come with their fair share of risks and adventures that put Indiana Jones to shame. But, let's face it, the flexibility was key. It allowed me to stay connected to my artistic aspirations while keeping my bank account afloat.

But, in a stunning plot twist (yes, there are plenty of those), I decided to don my cape of creativity and venture into the realm of creating my own artistic pieces. I unleashed my inner impresario and founded a theater company – a place where I could call the shots, create the magic I craved, and pull others into my orbit of imagination. Slowly, the audiences grew, and the laughter and applause became like a sweet symphony to my ears.

Now, here I am, getting ready for the grandest stage of them all: Edinburgh Fringe. A prestigious venue has extended its arms (or curtains) to embrace my show. But between the offer letter and the impending spectacle, there's a financial chasm that needs bridging – we're talking £20,000 in six months. Not exactly small change, even for a performer who's practically moonlighting as a financial wizard.

The stage is set, the stakes are high, and the spotlight is beckoning. With the soaring costs and competition for traditional funding, I've had to unleash my inner thespian-entrepreneur hybrid. Combining every bit of financial creativity in my arsenal, I've pooled resources from both the light and shadow sides of my career. Yes, it's an unconventional pairing, like blending Shakespeare with stand-up comedy. But hey, when life presents you with a script full of unexpected twists, you better be prepared to ad-lib like a pro.

So there you have it, the tale of how a penniless actor dipped his toes into uncharted waters, embraced his alter ego as a showman of multiple talents, and managed to raise the curtain on his dreams with a blend of ingenuity and... well, let's just say a touch of the unpredictable. Welcome to the Edinburgh Fringe – where the show must go on, even if it means taking the road less traveled... or the bed less slept on.

It seems that, like with lipstick sales and luxury hair treatments, the success of strip clubs is another marker of an economic downturn.

Recessions have historically been marked by a decrease in consumer spending, and this recession is no exception. As one Twitter user noted, her earnings have halved and the clubs are almost empty. Another commented, Strippers have been telling y’all the recession is coming baby. We are feeling it in the clubs everywhere. You know it’s bad if girls from Miami are coming to New York to work.”

When times are tough, folks just chill at home more; they ain’t gonna spend and hit the clubs. They’re hooking up online instead, said Markus Frind, the big boss of the dating site Plenty of Fish, during the 2009 money meltdown.

Some market research peeps called IBISWorld say that US strip clubs are making way less dough these days. They reckon their profit dropped by more than 12 per cent to $1.4bn in 2018, which is down from $1.6bn in 2012. That’s rough!  We got 30% more sex workers calling us last year who need help to start working. The prostitutes who call us are freaking out and scared. Women are begging us to hook them up with food vouchers for food banks. One person hadn’t eaten right for three days," she says. Others have called with housing issues, like getting kicked out or having their landlords be jerks to them," says Niki. “They’re trying to figure out how they’re gonna survive the next week.”

Last year Edinburgh council voted to ban strip clubs.  They set a nil level of strip and lap dancing clubs for the city.  The owners and strippers took this to appeal, on Friday 10th February 2023 this was deemed illegal by the appeals judge.

Critics took their fight to the Court of Session in Edinburgh, where Lord Richardson decided on Friday that councillors had made the decision on the “basis of erroneous legal advice”.

A USW spokesperson said: “The council’s nil-cap decision, if upheld, would have resulted in the closure of all strip clubs in the city. This would have meant many of our members losing their livelihoods or having to move away from their homes and families to find work elsewhere.

Local people across Forth Valley are being urged to practice safer sex and to get tested if they have been at risk following a large increase in cases of gonorrhoea.

In 2019, 164 cases of gonorrhoea were reported in Forth Valley however in 2022 more than 270 cases were confirmed with the biggest increase being amongst young people aged between 19 and 25.

Along with several other Health Boards across Scotland, sexual health experts in NHS Forth Valley are now encouraging anyone who has had unprotected sex to get tested and stress the importance of using condoms to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

NHS Forth Valley Consultant in HIV and Genito Urinary Medicine, Dr Kirsty Abu-Rajab, said: “The best way to prevent sexually transmitted infections is to practice safer sex by using a condom and get tested if you have been at risk. Gonorrhoea infection is spread by unprotected vaginal, oral and anal sex and can also infect the throat and eyes.

Symptoms of gonorrhoea can include:

  • green or yellow fluid coming out of the penis
  • pain or a burning sensation when passing urine
  • discomfort and swelling of the testicles
  • A change in vaginal discharge
  • pain in the lower tummy, particularly during sex
  • bleeding in between periods or after sex

“However, many people with gonorrhoea will not experience any symptoms and are at risk of passing the infection on to others. If left untreated, gonorrhoea can cause serious health problems and complications, including infertility in both men and women.”

Where police claim that raids were made on brothels because there is trafficking occurring, in actual fact no referrals are made to support services in 7 out of 10 of these raids.

Researchers warn that police officers are misleading the public by claiming they have rescued trafficking victims in these raids.  Police regularly conduct raids on brothels on the pretext they are saving trafficking victims.

Researchers requested information on the number of women identified as trafficked since 2016.  The report found women identified as trafficked were not entering into the National Referral scheme.

Researchers stated that the high number of cases where trafficking victims are not referred suggested that the police were misidentifying sex workers.

An article from a Dr Jacci Stoyle, secretariat for the Cross-Party Group for Commercial Sexual Exploitation, published in the 'The Scotsman' an opinion piece. Obviously, her agenda is to criminalise clients and end all sex work.  In her one-sided article she has incorrect facts, and rather selected bias on the examples she chooses. She is against decriminalisation of sex work as is practised in New Zealand, Austria and some states of Australia.  (Germany, the Netherlands do not decriminalize, they run a legalised controlled form of prostitution)

Amnesty Internatioanl support decriminalisation, she has hooked into the Douglas Fox, founder of a major prostitution ting in Northern England.  That is a laugh.

This idea is championed by Amnesty International, the iconic human rights organisation, who appear to have allowed their policy to have been influenced by Douglas Fox, a former member and founder of a major prostitution ring in the north of England, although they deny this.  

Douglas was a male sex worker, and yes, he did run an exceedingly small escort agency with 6 escorts he provided advertising for.  That is not a large escort agency. Many London agencies have 300 providers on their books. It does though show that those who support sex workers rights must be squeaky clean, otherwise they are all condemned as pimps.

Jacci ses one woman, Chelsea, to discredit decriminalisation. She was thrown out of home at 14, abused by a paedophile, and all the harm accorded to her, somehow is the fault of decriminalization. I don't see the connection.

She condemns the business owners who do not give employees minimum wages, sick pay, holiday pay etcetera. This happens in good old Britain with zero hours contracts in the gig economy. There are good employees in New Zealand, and there is the possibility of setting up your own communal brothel. She says there are no exit strategies for women in sex work, like there are no exit strategies for those wonderful cleaning jobs. 

In her arguments, she fails to mention that the large brothels require planning permission, and that the small brothels, less than four people working together in a flat are allowed, without planning and typically are run as a cooperative. Decriminalization allows you to run your own brothel. In the UK, and in Nordic law countries, two women working together are liable to prosecution. This happens many times in the Republic of Ireland.

She contends that decriminalization of prostitution ends your rights.

Thirdly, in full decriminalisation, prostitution is not a crime. Chelsea will tell you that in addition to your body, prostitution in New Zealand involves the sale of your human rights, such as the right to free expression, fair-working conditions and the right not to endure torture, rape, sexual harassment, and abuse. Simply put this means if a crime is committed in a brothel, the police are not interested.

What utter bollocks she is talking. In the decriminalized system, your right to say no is enshrined in law. There are even mandatory health and safety laws to ensure save working conditions. Mandatory use of condoms. Jacci contends that in one case, the sex worker Chelsea, was knocked unconscious and her purse stolen. The police were not interested. The police were not interested. The blame on inaction is not decriminalization, but on the police. She was assaulted, so the police should have taken this seriously.  If this did happen, then the police in her location would need a wakeup call.  I bet that if this had been under the UK laws, she would have been arrested.

Next, she condems the condom law. Both the client and the person selling sex are liable for fines on condom use.

An example of this lauded ‘harm reduction’ is that condoms and needles are provided in brothels. However, Chelsea tells us this was always the case, but now it is far more problematic. Under New Zealand law, ostensibly to make prostitution ‘safer’, the non-use of condoms incurs a fine of $2,000 on both parties. Unsurprisingly, when the buyer removes the condom against the will of the seller, it isn’t reported. After all, as Chelsea says: “Why on Earth would you give yourself a $2,000 fine?” Oh my, what a clever little law this is; now the data can ‘prove’ just how much ‘safer’ prostitution is in New Zealand.

What utter rubbish? Removing the condom against the will of the sex work, or any partner is rape in my book. I am certain that the $2,000 fine would not apply to the sex worker in this case. Jacci is just concocting falsehoods.

Finally, Jacci goes on and blames all violence against women on the sale of sex in New Zealand brothels.  This argument is totally untrue.  There have been many reported studies of an event which occurred in the state of Rhode Island. Sex work was decriminalized by accident for many years. Many massage parlors opened. Finally, the normal American criminal laws against prostitution were applied.  During the period of decriminalization of prostitution in Rhode Island, the number of rapes dropped significantly. No other crimes dropped.

The court case brought by strippers against Edinburgh council is now in progress.  The clubs were in court, arguing at a judicial review against the city council’s decision to ban strip clubs from next April. They were joined by the United Sex Workers (USW) union, whose lawyer, David Lynch, insisted that the ban would interfere with the dancers’ rights under the European Convention of Human Rights.

This article by Susan Dalgety is typical of the battle sex workers have against those who are trying to outlaw their work and clients.

A ban on strip clubs has been announced by Edinburgh Council, which says the venues disempower women.

But today the United Sex Workers union began a legal challenge of the decision.

The union says it would force over 100 women out of work and potentially into more dangerous situations.

We spoke to Labour MP Nadia Whittome, who’s been a long-standing campaigner for more support for sex workers, and asked her if she agreed that the cost of living crisis was pushing women into sex work?

Bristol council voted down the proposal to ban the strip clubs in Bristol. (SEV)  Bristol presently has a cap of three strip clubs, though there are only two.  A consortium of 'radicle feminists' have been campaigning to impose a total ban on strip clubs as recently happened in Edinburgh. There have been two public consultations, 2019 and 2021, that received 17,000 submissions.  The anti-strip club campaigners argue that these clubs are a gateway to prostitution and fester sexist attitudes that can lead to tragic results

Stripers argue it is just a job, and for many is pays so much more than other jobs, enabling them to lead a comfortable life and bring up their family.

Ultimately, the council’s licencing committee voted nine to one to maintain the current cap of three licenced SEVs.

Various councillors remarked that it was better for dancers to have well-regulated licenced venues rather than forcing strip clubs underground.

Several also noted that there is little empirical evidence linking sex entertainment venues to violence against women and girls.

Green party councillor Guy Poultney received a round of applause when he accused women’s rights groups of arguing “we should discount the voices of some women in order to empower them and to restrict their choices in the name of equality and take away their jobs for their own good”.


Strippers commented.

We hope going forward Bristol Council take this into consideration, and collaborate with the workers to create an SEVs licensing policy that supports their rights, instead of hindering them. Up the f****** workers.

The Fringe performer has backed the strippers who recently hit out at claims by Councillor Mandy Watt that dancing is ‘not work’ and who have accused other councillors and 'radical feminists' of taking away their freedom to choose.

Yes, dancing is a job although not a career. Who wants to see a 70-Year-old pole dancer? That’s a whole other ageism show," says Mary.She continues, "A young woman called Marissa saw my show recently. She is 20 years old and is a stripper in a fully nude club. We had dinner afterwards as I’m a friend of her mother's.

Edinburgh Councillor Watt said: “Dancers are not workers. It’s not work, they are performers, and it is not in the council’s power to confer workers' rights on them. Most are self-employed.

Councillor Watt said: “Dancers are not workers. It’s not work, they are performers and it is not in the council’s gift to confer workers rights on them. Most are self employed.

Georgie, a dancer from Edinburgh said: “I say to this to ‘feminists’ such as Mandy Watt, those that feel sorry for me for having to ‘resort’ to this ‘degradation’. Work is work and stripping is real work.

"Many people do labour for the sole purpose of being able to pay rent and buy food. Stripping is no different.

A Union representing sex workers is taking the council to court to challenge the ban on grounds it breaches the equality act.

Two new reports have looked at the lived experiences of Scottish sex workers and how other countries are attempting to stop the cycle of prostitution.

The research was commissioned and instigated by the Scottish Government in their attempt to criminalize the purchase of sex.   The lived experience, and international evidence review highlight the experiences of Scottish escorts and sex workers.

The lived experience review shows how some women working as escorts did not know about the support services available to leave prostitution.


The international evidence looked at framework in other countries. This appears according to this newspaper article to have only looked at the Nordic model.

1. Laws that criminalize the client and decriminalize the sex worker.

2 Support for 'victims' and helping those selling sex to exit.

3. Change societal views on prostitution, preventing demand.

I can't see in this newspaper article that they looked at total decriminalization as in New Zealand and much or Eastern Australia.


This article is written by a sex worker. She found that countless clients were using her services to heal from body shame. Most specifically penis size.

One twenty something client opened up about his cock size, and thus his ability to give pleasure t a woman.  He opened up, and I realised he had grown up watching porn, and that his manhood was not as big as the Porn Star studs.

The story (ed. I have heard the myself), is that sex work can often be healing work. Helping to boost confidence, helping to process grief. This sex worker found she was part therapist, part pleasure provider and part healer t her clients.

Definitely a good read.


Watch Heartfelt UK Trailer For French Drama Her Way

The French Drama, Her Way is coming to the UK cinema. It should have been shown at last years Glasgow film festival. In Cécile Ducrocq’s provocative first feature, Her Way showcases a determination for a better life. It is a sex work positive drama. It follows Marie, who has been working in the sex industry for 20 years. She is determined to give her 17 year old son a better life. A life into a life training as a chief at a prestigious cookery school.

As Edinburgh bans strip clubs, there is a fight and appeal going ahead. Susan Dalgety one a support of Edinburgh Saunas and Edinburgh strip clubs, is not against them, She does not subscribe to the view prescribe to the liberal feminist view that sex work is real work and should be treated the same as social care or retail.  She is disappointed that a trade union is trying to raise £20,000 to appeal against this decision. Her view is that for every seasoned stripper who argues that her job is simply “sexual entertainment”, there is a young woman being viciously beaten by her pimp for failing to earn enough.

Edinburgh has imposed a total ban on strip clubs and lap dancing clubs. They have pandered to the ideologies of the radicle feminists.  The result 100 women losing their jobs. The work being driven underground and into prostitution causing more danger to the women.

The United Sex Workers, a trade union representing adult entertainment performers, has accused the council of "dictat[ing] what work women can and cannot do."

Tess Herman, of United Sex Workers, told councillors there was a "unique opportunity" to ensure sex workers were given proper employment rights in Edinburgh.

SNP committee convener Cathy Fullerton sought to introduce a cap of four - allowing the existing venues to continue operating - but Labour depute Lord Provost Joan Griffiths moved to impose the blanket ban.

Why is it Labour, who should be supporting women, ends up imposing poverty on the workers.

The Union is considering legal action.


The Union is considering

On Thursday March 31, Edinburgh Council will vote on whether to limit the number of sexual entertainment venues (SEVs) in the city or to impose a ‘nil cap’ policy – which would effectively ban strip clubs altogether. The vote follows the publication of the Scottish Government’s strategy for preventing violence against women and girls (VAWG) in 2019, which argued that “prostitution, lap dancing, stripping, pornography” encompassed and engendered VAWG. To date, there is no evidence for this.

The Scottish Parliament has published the responses on the consultation on sex work, framed with the negative question of 'A consultation on challenging men's demand for prostitution, working to reduce the harms associated with prostitution and helping women to exit'.  I understand from previous press releases, the majority of resondants were in favour of some decriminilisation and not criminilising the buyer. The usual Nordic Model Now culptits were there.  Personally I was pleased to see the 'Sally Army' taking a pragmatic view of condeming the purchase of sex, but realising the criminilisation of the client would put the sex worker in danger.

Unforunatley all the usual suspects, such as Nordic Model Now, Scottish Women’s Aid and Encompass Network made their usual play from the discredited and dangerous Nordic Model, whcih research from Cambridge University and other institutions has shown to be dangerous to the sex worker.

We must also take issue with the phrasing of the questions, which a few sex workers who answered the questions, commented on.

If you want to reference the questions and answers , I would advise making a personal copy. Previous Scottish consulations have removed the responses on sex work without warning.

Scottish Model

2021-11-30 elrond

A working group met to look at prostitution in Scotland. Its remit is to create policies to challenge men’s demand for prostitution. The working group consists of key bodies and third sector representatives to ensure equality, huma rights and women's saftey if at the heart of the Scorrish Model. Membership includes bodies including COSLA, NHS and Public Health Scotland. The third sec to has representatives from Scottish Women’s Aid, the Encompass Network and the Violence Against Women Partnership Network.(All groups agaisnt prostitution)

The group's membership is COSLA, NHS Lothian, Public Health Scotland, UK Feminista, Scottish Women’s Aid, the Encompass Network, Violence Against Women Partnership Network, The Improvement Service, TARA and Alan Caton former Detective Superintendent of Suffolk Constabulary. Police Scotland and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal will join the group in an advisory capacity.

No mention is made of representation from active sex workers, or sex worker organisations such as Scot Pep, and Umbrella Lane.  This is a totally rigged group of organisations who will only come our with legislation and schemes which will harm sex workers.

Be sure to check out the blog post for Autumn 2020 tours on my website.

The oipinions Catharine A. MacKinnon need to be challanged. She is a long time avide campaigner against sex workers.  In her argument, she brings in to sex workers (survivors of prostitution) to back up her claims that sexwork is serial rape, and that the term sex work is gas lighting.  We can sympathise with the few women (and men) who have been coerced and forced into prostitution. Their stories are heart breaking.

Catharine and these survivors will always ignore the opinions  of the majority of sex workers. The majority of sex workers opinions will always be ignored in favour of the right kind of story presented by the few 'survivors of prostitution'. 

Unfortunatley the likes of Catherine have too loud a voice in this debate, which drowns out the voices of those who work as sex workers.

The campaign to criminalise clients of escorts in Scotland is heating up.  The Scottish governments view on sex work, is that it is violence agaisnt women. They did recently fund a study and gather information from interested parties.  I belive a majority of those responding said sex work should be decriminilisaed for both the sex worker and the client.  This did not go down too well with the Government, who now talk of the Scottish model.

Now the forces of the abolitionists are coming together and taking the fight to criminilisae the purchase of sex in Scotland, while 'decriminilising the escort'  They always mention Sweden as the pioneer in this legislation, forgetting that sex workers in Sweden can have their house and children taken away.

If this were to become law, then safe working premises in Edinburgh would vanish.

The Government forgets that when street working was criminilised in Scotland, the increase in violence on sex workers was astronomical, because they were pushed into the shadows.  

SEX clubs and private swingers parties could require a licence to operate in East Lothian from next year.

East Lothian Council is seeking local views on whether it should introduce licensing for adult entertainment venues across the county.

And it says that the new rules could impact on people hosting sex parties in their homes, as well as public venues.

Setting out guidelines for what qualifies as a sexual entertainment venue (SEV), the council says that money does not have to change hands for something to be classed as sexual entertainment.

Marsha Scott speaks sense when she says Criminalising the buying of sex in Scotland would “disempower” women and put them in further danger, the head of a leading charity has claimed.

Let's hope the Scottish parliament takes notice.

The Ambassador Sauna was once among the Capital’s most notorious sex spots, and narrowly avoided being closed down permanently in 2013 amid a Police Scotland crackdown on brothels masquerading as massage parlours.

If approved, the adult entertainment complex, which closed seven years ago, would be gutted out and the wooden partitions of its former treatment rooms and other walls removed and replaced to create three separate dwellings, each with three bedrooms.

In one instance, police visiting an Edinburgh sauna said the premises were clearly equipped for the sex trade, stating that “massage rooms were equipped as bedrooms with mirrored ceilings and walls” and “pornographic magazines were on display in the reception area”.

A number of voices, including the late former MSP Margo MacDonald condemned the zero tolerance policy pursued by the police force at the time, stating that such establishments offered protection to sex workers.

A charity says it is being forced to reopen its hardship fund for sex workers during the latest Covid-19 lockdown, as it claimed Scottish Government cash has failed to reach those hardest hit by the pandemic.

"The Government response has been that there was already a 'bespoke fund' created for women in prostitution. This fund was only given to mainstream organisations that fail to work from a rights-based, trauma-informed approach, which is part of the reason the funds have not reached those hardest hit.

"Due to stigma and often criminalisation, sex workers are untrusting of these services, which is why it is essential that crisis funds are made available to sex worker-led charities to administer to those who need it most."